Media AS

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Content Analysis and Target Audience

Over the previous weeks we have been looking at and analysing a range of music magazines. To give ourselves a more interesting comparison we chose music magazines that varied from each other. For example we looked at Kerrang, a commonly known heavy metal magazine, and compared this to Top of the Pops, a teens pop magazine. These two are very different from one another, and this gave us more to talk about, therefore a better comparison.

We have been analysing different types of music magazines. From this hoped to attain the target audience to each. We counted the number of advertisements included in each of the magazines and recorded data from each individual one.

We came to the conclusion that the target audience for 'Top of the Pops' is mostly girls. We were able to see this from the advertisements as many of them were for sanitary towels and make-up. Most of these items cost little so we concluded that the target audience is from a working class - middle class home. The films advertised are also aimed at young girls. This therefore shows that the targ

et audience is between 9-14.

This pie chart shows the amount of adverts under each category:

The target audience for NME is mostly older boys to young men (17-25/30). The average price range of the advertisements is £15, therefore aimed at people with a higher disposable income than 'Top of the Pops' buyers. The type of advertisements it includes enables us to be able to tell the target audiences' gender. As they are mostly video games and boy bands albums.
The demographics of the two magazines are quite opposite. 'Top of the Pops' demographic is girlie/pop. Any race would buy this magazine but possibly not girls for very religious homes as it includes pictures of semi-naked men. Its psychographics is mainstreamer 'girlie' girls. The demographic of 'NME' is rock/punk/indie british men with any income as the adverts are at a price range of a working mans income. The psychographics are artists (interest in music) and the creative alternatives.

This pie chart shows the relative popularity amongst men of the following magazines:

Comparison of NME reader profile

The reader profile for NME supports the target audience that we concluded to. It shows that 66% were male with an average age of 23. 91% of readers go to gigs often. This is evidence of the target audience having interests in music.

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Me and Music

My music taste varies constantly. It's unusual for me to listen to one specific genre of music in one time period as I always like to have some variety. The genres that dominate most of the artists I listen to are Dubstep, Drum & Base and Hip Hop/Grime.


Names Melody Cornford. I am studying AS Media in La Swap. For this course we have been asked to create a sample of a music magazine. Within this we have to produce a front page, contents page and a main feature of a fictional artist we wish to promote. This must be completed by the 8th December ...this gives us 11 weeks. In preparation for this, we must first carry out a preliminary task. This enables us to gain experience in using programs such as Adobe Photoshop, which will be used continuously throughout this piece of work. 

Our brief is to design a new music magazine that targets an audience between 16-19 years old within the UK magazine audience. This magazine is to be sold on a bi-weekly basis. We must decide on a title, the genre, its house style and form, brand identity and logo, its use of representations and ideologies, the target audience and whether it is a regional or national magazine. We must also choose the magazine conventions and compare to existing music magazine publications. It must include original images only (no found images).