Media AS

Thursday 4 November 2010

Target Audience Profile

Before starting my music magazine I did a brainstorm. This included the genre of my music magazine, its contents, its target audience, including their demographics and psychographics. My brain storm, left, concluded that my magazine will be aimed at a more 'Indie' scene of music lovers. Unlike magazines such a 'Grazia', my music magazine articles and advertisements will all be music related. My target audience will focus more on the music side of artists, rather than the gossip side. This is also why the demographic can by any income, as the magazine won't be too expensive, and there will be no off-topic advertisements included.   

My music magazine is aiming at male and female of ages 16-21.  The demographics of this magazine would be mostly indie, interested in music festivals, live shows and of course, lots of music! The collage I have assembled above shows the interests and  activities of my target audience. 

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