Media AS

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Evaluation of Original Photos

The following photographs were taken especially for this media project. I was able to take pictures of Dizzie Rascal as I attended Jonathan Ross' Halloween party, where he too went. I saw the opportunity of featuring him in this magazine so took pictures that I could use.

Photograph 1
 This is a close-up shot of a man and a boy. They are both posing for the camera. The smile on both their faces indicates that they are both happy. When used in my magazine I cropped the background out so that the two main figures were all that were left. I also added shadow to the image to give it more depth. There is a slight shadow in the bottom left hand corner of the image, apart from that it is a bright lit photograph giving no specific area of light. Their clothing signifies a more formal than informal event, and gives them an image of importance to the audience.  

Photograph 2

This is a close up of a man. He appears unaware of the taking of this photograph therefore making it a natural action shot. The movement of either the camera or the person has produced a type of reflection of the upper left hand corner of him. The light is very general also, only creating a very small shadow of his hand onto his t-shirt. For my magazine I cropped out the background leaving a single figure as the image. This then of course made him the main focus point as nothing else is included in the image for distraction. I found that the colours of this picture were already quite full so therefore didn't manipulate the image in that respect.

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