Media AS

Thursday 6 January 2011

Looking back at your preliminary task of designing the school magazine, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

When designing my school magazine, the whole concept of using photoshop was very new. Most things I did were experimental whilst I was figuring out what photoshop was capable of and forming an understanding of how everything operates. This of course was a benefit when designing my music magazine. At the same time I was looking at other magazines and identifying what I liked and didn't like about each of those, and then attempting to use the tools of photoshop to get the results I wanted. Occasionally I would be trying to achieve a desired result when due to my inexperience with the technology I would get a result that I had not intended, but that I liked. An example of this was when it came to choosing my colour scheme. I chose my main burgundy colour and was pleased with this. When I went to chose this colour again, admittedly I was not paying much attention and selected the wrong colour: a lighter red. I found that this contrasted well with the burgundy, therefore decided to use it in my magazine. But mistakes like this are all part of the learning process.

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