Media AS

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Who would be the audience for your magazine?

'Melodies Choice' is a magazine dedicated to serious music lovers of whatever genre. However, even though I include styles such as R&B, the image of my magazine is not glamorous or glossy. It doesn't focus on the image of the artist, just the music they produce. This means that the articles inside are mainly music based, therefore 'Melodies Choice' includes many reviews of albums and live concerts. It contains information on the latest music based news, and has some stories on artists, however none of them are written in the same gossip format as magazines like 'Hello'.

My audience would be formed of both male and female readers. Because my publication is quite versatile it attracts many different people, making it impossible to generalize one specific type of reader. But the style of my magazine would appeal in my view to mostly indie fans, as there is more indie based music included within the magazine than any other. The disposable income of my targeted demography is generally modest. (approximately the amount of the weekly EMA allowance as my magazine targets mainly students.) The psychographic of my publication can vary. But social groups interested in the latest celebrity news and fashion styles will not find my magazine too appealing. Music fans in any career could be interested in my magazine, but most likely they will have a high interest within the artistic and creative industries. 'Melodies Choice' is a British influenced magazine, so does not include aspects from the glamorous American lifestyle.
Advertisements would target the youth market: for example, Cd's are generally around £10, DVDs and cinema tickets are approximately that price too, so these would be obvious products. 

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