Media AS

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Evaluation of Original Photos 3

These photos I used as album covers for the reviews page on my double page spread. For each of these photographs I placed a photo of an album case behind the image used and added an individual barcode to make them look like album covers. (The album case is an image downloaded from google images.)

Photograph 5

 This is a long shot of a couple posing in front of a sunset. They are on a beach not too close to the sea. The warmth from the sun enhances the romance between the couple, making the picture very romantic. The two figures are silhouettes. Although this picture is posed, the sun, water and beach provide it with a natural presence. The only editing I carried out on this image was cropping as I felt the image was rich in colour already. (This picture wasn't taken especially for the course, it was taken on a holiday in The Gambia during the half term of October 2010.)

Photograph 6

This is a close-up of the back of a girls upper body and head. Her hair is pulled over her right shoulder to show the writing on her back. Her face is slightly turned to the left so that we can see a small proportion of her face. The writing relates to music and the stars and musical note add creativity and decorativeness to the photo. The image was originally taken in black and white therefore I did not edit the colours at all for this one. I also didn't crop it as cropping of any section would erase a vital part of the photograph. The majority of this picture is in light shadows however there is some light hitting the middle of her back, and the background at the bottom right hand corner. (This photograph was taken for the media course.)

Photograph 7

This is a long shot of a girl playing guitar and singing on stage. The colours are very mellow, dominated by mainly reds from the backdrop and drum kit. The spotlight highlights the background on the right hand side and shining on everything but the bottom sections of her legs. The spotlight is reflected off the guitar causing it to shine. This highlights the instrument and therefore the music aspect of the photograph. I cropped this photo when using it in my magazine to make her the focus of it. (This photo was not taken especially for the media project, I took it at a school concert in the early months of 2010.)

Photograph 8

 This is a mid-shot of a band. The lead guitarist and singer are posing for the camera at the central point of the photograph. The other band members are all smiling, symbolising happiness. The main source of light is illuminating the whole of the central figure, hiding some of his facial features. There are softer lights on the other three figures, but none as strong at the main figures This use of light gives the image sharpness. I enhanced the colours of this picture on 'Toycamera Analogcolor', and unfortunately again cannot find the image taken before this manipulating was carried out. To make this an album cover I cropped the edges.

Photograph 9

 This is a mid-shot of a boy playing the guitar. He is turned to the right making his face a half profile. Because this image was not specifically for media, I had to edit out the writing on his cheek. I also edited out the cigarette in his ear as I thought it wrong to promote smoking. To make it look like an album cover I cropped out the background leaving only him, and placed his figure over a picture of the moon that I downloaded off google images. His face is lit softly, with light also reflecting off his guitar. This is an action shot therefore appears natural.  

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