Media AS

Wednesday 5 January 2011

What kind of institution might distribute your magazine?

To determine which kind of institution would be a main distributor of my magazine I did had to research different companies of magazine distribution.

is an online and offline distribution of retail, built environmental, media, health, government and education. After further research I discovered that the magazines they distribute fall mainly under business genres, therefore not suited for my magazine. The only media related magazines I was able to find were all linked in with the business industry. After deciding that my magazine does not fit in with any magazines of this institution I continued with my research.

IPC would be an institution that would distribute 'Melodies Choice'. IPC is a huge media brand that distributes other music magazines such as 'Uncut' and 'NME'. I think this institution would be suited to my music magazine because both these magazines are similarly devoted to music; these distributors are therefore clearly appropriate as they have experience in this area. Should the market prove successful in this country I would investigate appropriate distribution worldwide. Initially this would be English language only, but if the brand is successful we could investigate foreign additions in translation with an appropriate localised focus. As 'Melodies Choice' has a slightly different focus and market to other music magazines such as 'Kerrang' and 'Mojo' it should make a valuable addition to the distributors portfolio.

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