Media AS

Thursday 6 January 2011

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

There is far more than meets the eye in designing a successful magazine: layout, font, research into readerships and overall look. This has been something I have really enjoyed about the project. I feel I have gained confidence with the tools used in photoshop. This meant that towards the later parts of forming my magazine, I was able to move a lot quicker with the knowledge that I acquired. Working on this project introduced me to different aspects of design that I had not thought about before, such as making a page layout look interesting and appealing, contrasting photographs and where text would look most accessible. All of these skills are important in today's modern world in which a knowledge of computer technology is very important in many professions.

Through this process I also learnt the importance of development. By improving and developing a design it allowed me to make comparisons between the original idea and the end result. When comparing these two  I was able to clearly see and evaluate the choices I made from start to finish. 

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