Media AS

Wednesday 5 January 2011

How does your music magazine represent particular music groups?

From the front cover, you can immediately tell that the genre of the magazine is more indie than pop. However my music magazine is not exclusive to one particular type of music. On the front cover the main picture is a boy playing piano. This suggests a more acoustic genre. To enhance this, the image is in black and white, and has an old look to it, making it less digital and contemporary. However in contrast to this there is a smaller picture of Dizzie Rascal, famous for his grime and R&B styles of music. This tells readers that this magazine doesn't represent just one style or genre.

The use of mellow colours presents a slightly more serious image in comparison to a magazine using more striking colours such as pink, yellow and lime green. I decided to use these colours to indicate the magazines main focus point, the music the artists play, not the latest gossip on each of them. Although the contents page lists a few artist's stories, these resemble biographies and serious news rather than informal 'chit-chat'. These are aimed at people who are dedicated and interested in the artists, not just their embarrassing drunk moments.

The age of serious music fans can vary, but I have specifically aimed mine at young adults aged 16-21. As this publication includes artists of all genres, its target audience becomes larger than a magazine aimed at 5-8 year old boys. To make sure that I catered to my target market's needs, I carried out a questionnaire.


1)What price do you think suitable for a high quality music magazine?

-£1.50    -£3
-£2         -£4

2)Would you prefer a music magazine to be predominantly images or text?

-Images      -Text       -Equal amounts

3)Do you like advertisements included in your music magazines?

-No  -Yes  -Don't mind

4)Do you prefer the layout to be easy to read and clear to see?

-No, I prefer more creative layouts
-Yes I do   -Don't mind

5)How many images would you like to see within an article?

-Minimal amount   -Depends on the article

-Many images        -Don't mind


1)                                           2)

3)                                                4)


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